Tested. Transparent. Trusted.
At Spectrum Chemical, we leverage more than 50 years of expertise in sourcing, QC testing and packaging to meet the needs of organizations in highly regulated industries.
With our diverse product portfolio and relentless focus on quality, we deliver highly personalized service and practical consultations to earn your trust and exceed expectations.
More than 45,000 chemicals in laboratory, scale-up and bulk quantities.
Secuirty of supply to minimize risk and raw material variability
Manufactured, packaged and stored under cGMP in FDA-registered and inspected facilities.
In-house QC testing by lot to safeguard quality
Comprehensive requlatory and scientific documentation to ensure compliance
Change control, lot tracebility and supply chain transparency to eliminate unpredictability

USP-NF, BF, EP, JP Grade Chemicals

The worlds largest selection of monograph chemicals including 1,200 USP-NF, FCC, BP, EP, JP chemicals with 700 in bulk sizes.


More than 250 excipients for enhanced solubility, extended shelf life, improved absorption and flavor.

bioCERTIFIED Q Chemicals

Extensive array including ACS chemicals, HPLC solvents, organic chemicals, solutions, buffers and reagents.

bioCERTIFIED Q Chemicals

More than 300 FCC-grade chemicals including Kosher and Halal-certified ingredients.

bioCERTIFIED Q Chemicals

Hundreds of professionally prepared dossiers for compliance and quality assurance.

bioCERTIFIED Q Chemicals

Expanded testing, certifications and documentation including additional analyses for bioburden, endotoxin and elemental impurities.

DEA Controlled Substances (Schedules I-V)

Suitable for research and analytical uses such as medicinal chemistry, academic research and forensic drug testing.

Supplies & Equipment

More than 60,000 items including filtration, glassware, plasticware, pipettors, PPE, balances, scales and more.

Online Shopping

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Sales Representative Locator

One-on-one connection with your local Spectrum Chemical sales representative.